Several years ago a friend told me about being at a party where they had an activity: they made what I later learned were called Blessing Bags. This time of year is the perfect time to make some yourself and keep them in your car for times when you see someone who needs a hand. I usually make ten and sometimes I don’t go through them all in one winter and sometimes I need to make more.

You can put anything in your bags, (and every time I post this I get great suggestions) so make them your own. In a zip-top bag, I put a bottle of water, a couple of granola bars, a hat, a pair of socks, a pair of gloves, and hand warmers. Some people add a couple of dollars, while others add a bus ticket in the bags. I have had suggestions of products made especially for women. Whatever you think is important and portable can go in your bag.

I’ve never had anyone turn the bag away when I handed it out my car window, often on the exit ramp from the highway. They may have preferred cash, but lots of people want to help but don’t want to give someone money, so the bag allows you to help in a way that feels comfortable to you.

Make a “batch” of blessing bags and keep them in your car or keep one in your backpack. It is a positive way to help out during the cold winter months. And, remember that the bags can be helpful in severe heat, also. One of my friends saw a need while serving food at a shelter in the summer when it was sweltering. She made bags with a couple of bottles of water, bus passes to get cool, chapstick, sunscreen, and hand fans. Great idea!