A few years ago, I felt that I had nothing to be proud of. My marriage had been a nightmare for years. I had made a business decision that was catastrophic. I made some decisions about friendships that, while I know I made the best call for myself, had caused me pain. I was trying so hard to hold everything together that when it all did fall apart I was a huge failure. A loser!

Then, I was alone. I had the support of all of my loved ones, but I was all alone. All alone, crying myself to sleep. Can you relate?

Now, everything has changed. It didn’t happen overnight, it took a few years. But, for the first time in many years (the time with my children excluded, of course) I am happy. Happy and healthy and hopeful. Hopeful for my future. Hopeful that I will remain happy and healthy. And, happy with myself.

So, this is what pride feels like. I am proud of who I am again (I was not proud of myself when I was married because I wasn’t my true self). I feel proud of how I have handled myself in a contentious divorce. I am proud of the woman that my children see now. I love my new condo and lifestyle. Honestly, I am a proud woman.

If you aren’t feeling pride in yourself, ask yourself why. What would it take to be proud of yourself? What would make you proud of yourself? Can you make the changes necessary to change? You know how much I preach about embracing change, but if you can embrace it, too, just think of how far you can go. The only person stopping you from being a proud woman is you.

Let me say this to you, if you feel that you have done things that you are not proud of, join the club. The best thing you can do is to mend your ways, whatever that looks like to you and move forward on a better path. You know you can do it.