Repost from October 28, 2020

When you look down the road at your life, do you see yourself coasting into the finish line?  Or, do you see yourself riding on a stagecoach with arms and legs flailing around your head, hat flying off and wind whipping your hair around your face?  And, which vision do you like?  Do you see living the rest of your life on a cushion or do you look at your life as an adventure?

If, when you think of the future, you see a life in which you put the brakes on way too soon, don’t worry.  You still have time to re-invigorate your life and make it an adventure rather than a snooze fest.  All it takes is the desire to turn things around. That’s it.  You can start today!

Think Big or Small, It Doesn’t Matter

If you want some adventure in your life, it doesn’t have to be an African Safari.  It can be anything that challenges you: whether it is a bike tour through your town or learning Salsa.  You can decide to learn to use a chainsaw if that is adventurous to you.  The adventure isn’t important, it is the rush that it gives you that makes the difference.  It is the confidence that you feel when you reach and achieve.

Single Travel

Traveling alone sounds horrific to many women I know, but there are so many options that I promise that you will find one that works for you, if that’s what you’re looking for. Whether it is in a group or you are ready to go it alone, there are many travel agencies that specialize in both single travel and senior travel, so you are covered.   There are tons of volunteer opportunities that take you around the world, if that is part of your mission, to help others.  Solo travel may sound daunting, but it can be rewarding and you may meet some new friends along the way.

Learning Can Be an Adventure

Adventure can be many things to many people.  It doesn’t have to mean off-roading  to your yurt on a cliff side.  Or riding an ostrich.  Adventure might be taking a cooking class in a foreign country.  I think that is adventurous.  Riding in a hot air balloon is adventurous to me.  Riding a bike in New York seems like a pretty big adventure in my mind.  Your adventure is your adventure.

The moral of this story is this:  if you are over 50 and single and looking ahead to book clubs and Pilates as the highlights of your lives, you have a long road ahead.  Do not give up this early in the game.  Refuse to make yourself uninteresting and do not be uninterested because if you aren’t interested in life now when can you be?

This is not a dress rehearsal.  Live your life with adventure in mind.