
Would You Want to Spend Time with…You?

August 19, 2019

Would you want to spend time with… you? That’s a strange question, isn’t it? But I’m serious. The way you present yourself when you sit down for coffee at the local coffee shop or the way you introduce yourself to a possible love interest; would you look forward to hearing what you had to say? Let’s look at this.

I spend time with lots of single women over sixty and one thing I can tell you about us women, single or married, is that as we age, we get a little grouchy (the same goes for men but I don’t care about them right now). Let tell you the things we gripe about immediately when we sit down to a table of, well, anyone who will listen: the weather, the heat, the sore ankle (knee, hip, elbow, foot, shoulder, wrist, neck), what’s on the menu that causes gas, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation of anything, swelling of anything, insomnia, and general pain. And, we can’t stay too late because we have to get home before dark because we can’t see to drive in the dark. The humidity makes my hair frizzy. The humidity makes my hair flat. The humidity makes my feel swell. I can’t sit here at this high top because it hearts my knees. The air conditioning is blowing on my neck. It’s too cold. It’s too hot in here.

This is all before the first glass of water has been served! You think I’m kidding: I am not. I have heard every one of these complaints when women have just arrived at the table to sit down. Who wouldn’t to spend time with that? I wouldn’t. I don’t. I don’t want to spend time with that woman and I don’t want to invite her to another opportunity to waste my time with her moaning! I just don’t.

Here’s the thing, most women who hit the ground running with this dialogue don’t even know they are doing it. They just moan on and on and wonder why their phones aren’t ringing off the hook (that’s an old fashioned expression, isn’t it?) with invitations to more get togethers. Well, wonder no more, it’s because that’s not fun to be around. That isn’t happy one bit. And, why would I want to be around that again?

Guess what, everything we just said as we strolled up to the table is true. Everything does hurt and it is hot outside and our hair is a collective mess, but, no one wants to hear that. No one cares, at least no one cares right off the bat.

I don’t want to talk to that woman and neither do you and neither do any men who she is considering for a relationship. And, I am not saying we have to be fake. That’s not the message either. Here is the message: if you want to continue to be social and active, if you want people to invite you to join them for various outings, if you want to be asked on a date, you need to present yourself in a way that makes them want you around.

I am working in my Sisters Program on this very topic and I am working with a couple of clients in the WingWoman program on the same. I think it is making a difference in how these woman are being perceived and will continue to make a difference as they work on creating m ore and more relationships.

In order to remain socially active, we must each put our best foot forward. We must be women who others enjoy spending time with and with whom others want to engage.

So, for the rest of the month and into September I am going to be focusing on how we want to present ourselves to others and what we can do, how we can reframe our conversation, to make others want to spend more and more time with us. So, I go back to my original question: would you want to spend time with…you?

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Be a Good Friend

March 24, 2019

As single women, we know the importance of friendship. For many of us, our friendships are our primary relationships: we have family and we have friends. That’s it, that’s everything. So, it’s important to be a good friend. But recently I was faced with the fact that I hadn’t been as good a friend as I could have been to a couple of my besties and it made me mad at myself.

For the last 3 to 5 years I was the one who was dealing with something: I was moving out, I was leaving my husband, I was waiting for the divorce to become final, I was moving into my own place. Me, me, me. Honestly, I have never been this interesting in my life! But, what happened was that I became the topic, always, and I got used to it. I got used to feeling like my life was way worse than any of my friends. I was the story, not them, and I became indifferent to what was going on in their lives. I hate to even admit it.

Recently it came to my attention that plenty of my friends were going through transitions, too, and I had stopped being sensitive to that. I had become so used to being the one, the one who needed support. The one who needed a shoulder to cry on. The one who was putting on a brave face through this tough time in her life. That became my identity and my story. And, really, I am sick of being that woman.

So, friends of Paula, look out. I am putting all my effort into being the friend who I haven’t been over the last few years. I am at the other end of the phone just waiting to hear from you. Wait, I’m not waiting for you to call, I am calling you. I want you to get yourselves all worked up about something so I can talk you down. Just kidding.

I am not kidding about being a good friend, though. I want to get better at it and I want you to get better at it, too. As single women, our friendships are everything and those relationships need to be nurtured constantly. Our friendships are not static, but a dynamic, living piece of our lives that we want to remain solid as we change and age.

I hope this spurs you on to think about your friendships and what kind of friend you are. The good news is that you can change how you are as a friend at any time, so give yourself an assessment and if you need to, do better. Just be a better friend.

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Holidays Offer a Mixed Bag of Emotions

November 19, 2018

Here we go: the holidays are here and those holidays offer a mixed bag of emotions for all of us, no matter what our marital status. But, if you are 50+ and single, you may not see a Norman Rockwell painting when you look ahead at what’s coming. So what can you do about that? How can you make the next six weeks happier and less ominous? One word, plan. Plan, plan, plan. That way you can prepare yourself for the potholes in the road ahead and try to avoid them. You have seen these ideas here before at Starting Over at Sixty, but they can’t be overstated: you must plan your holidays so you can stay out of the darkness that can take over when you get loneliness creeps in.

Are you going to be alone on Thanksgiving? First, remember that not all family affairs are perfect. When I was a kid, I thought everyone in the universe was at a dinner table having the time of their lives on Thanksgiving: family, food and fun. I was an only child and so it was just the three of us. That was not what I thought Thanksgiving should look like. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that not all big, family Thanksgivings are anywhere near perfect, but we do romanticize the day. That being said, many of us have that perfect vision, and when we are left out of it, our hearts are a little broken. So, what can you plan for on Thanksgiving? It’s a good day to take a long walk, to watch the parade and to watch the dog show. It is a great day to go to a movie, or even two. Make a plan to see someone, anyone, at some point during the day so you are not 100% isolated.

Christmas Eve and Christmas are big family days, of course, and I know that I used to dread waking up on Christmas morning alone. But, I also don’t like it when my adult children leave to move on to other family celebrations that don’t include me. So, when I can, I take the afternoon-evening shift so when they get there they are all mine for the rest of the day. I go to church if I am alone on Christmas Eve because it takes my mind off myself for a while and puts the joy back in the holiday. That’s just me. You can choose to do anything you want, but Christmas Eve always feels like a more sacred, joyous time, and you might want to enjoy that feeling, whether you are alone or not, whether you are Christian or not. It is my favorite night of the year. On Christmas, I can get through anything when I know I have something to look forward to.

Now, for New Year’s Eve; is there any more hated holiday? I hated it when I was young and single, I hated it when I was married and I hate it now that I am old and single. It feels to me like a time to celebrate how painfully aware I am of how fast time goes by! I am happy to see the dawn of January 1st so I can say goodbye to New Year’s Eve. So, I am always proactive for New Year’s Eve because it is not an evening that I want to leave to chance. I have invited friends for a dinner party. I have gone to a comedy club for some fun. And, this year I have planned to go to an Inn for a couple of days to do absolutely nothing! But, the key to getting through it is to do more than get through it: it is to create your own fun. Make it happen!

So, I want you to sit down right now and plan your next six weeks: plan for parties or the lack thereof. Plan for the actual holidays and your possible lonely times. And, plan for the fun, the moments that make the holidays happy and joyful and full of love. Make the most of this time by preparing for the worst and enjoying the best the holidays can offer.

Happy Holidays!

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Online Dating: What Are You Afraid Of?

September 23, 2018

I talk to so many women who have been single for quite a while and would like to meet someone and maybe go on a date or two.  When they ask me how I met a guy and I tell them that we met online, they nearly pass out!  “Is it safe?”  That is the next question 100% of the time.  These are the same women who would buy a Louis Vuitton bag on eBay, the same women who will buy Cher tickets on StubHub, and they ask me if it is safe to meet someone online.  Go figure.  Do they think I invite a stranger to my door and greet him wearing plastic wrap?  I do not.  So, let me tell you how I do it and have met several very nice men, and met some big weiners, too! So online dating, what are you afraid of?

When I started looking at dating sites I was nervous.  It made me feel exposed.  Then I realized that I was only exposing what I chose to, and that doesn’t have to be much.  I only post a few general photos and a few facts about myself and that’s it.  More than that is not necessary.  Do not, I repeat, do not post a photo of your cat.  I know that sounds mean but I have heard that from more than a few men who are on the sites.  So just be “professional” when you post your profile on any dating site.  And,  if  you like to swing from the chandelier naked, good for you, but you might want to wait until you meet in person before you fly your freak flag!

I remember when I first had someone show some interest in me I was terrified.  I hadn’t been asked on a date in about 35 years.  I continued to message him back and forth for way too long then, at the end of the day, we weren’t a match and I felt like I had wasted a lot of time.  If you are interested in someone and he is interested in you, a few messages back and forth ought to do it.  You can plan to meet at a public place for a drink or coffee to see if this is worth pursuing for either of you.  Don’t invite him back to your place.  Don’t go to his place.  Don’t even drive away until he is gone if you are feeling uncertain.  Just use your common sense.

You need to put your big girl pants on because there is lots of rejection.  Don’t get in a twist about it: that just means you are getting closer to Mr. Right.  I know that’s not easy, and that it might be why you haven’t dipped your toe in the online dating pond, but if I can do it anyone can.  I do not take rejection well, but I figure it’s his loss, right?

Men have told me two scenarios about meeting women online that seem universal and they don’t like it: one is that their date is interviewing for a husband and the other has to do with wanting to know about the man’s finances.  They do not like this!  I don’t think I would either.  Before I had heard these categories I had already come up with my own answer to, “What are you looking for?”  This is it: “I don’t know what I am looking for but what I can tell you is that I am not looking for a pen pal (I don’t want someone who is just into texting, and that is a thing for various reasons) and I am not looking for a husband.  That seems to be succinct enough for them.

Now, after all those caveats, the best reason to begin online dating is that you just might meet someone with whom you have lots in common and have a great time together, whether or not it’s love.  That’s worthwhile.

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You Can Make New Friends at Any Age

April 22, 2018




If you are starting over and feeling lonely, just remember that you can make new friends at any age. If you think that sounds like work, it is. But, it’s necessary and worthwhile. One thing I realized when I was starting over was that as much as I loved my friends, most of them were married. I was married. We were all married together. And as much as I love them and they are still a huge part of my life, they had a life at home. I did not. We went out together (I am a lucky girl. Most of my friends seem to not mind having me tag along.) and then they went home together and had a family life. My life is not like that anymore.

It wasn’t very long until I figured out that I had to attack this loneliness head-on.  Sitting at home crying myself to sleep had to stop. No one was going to find me in my apartment: that’s like sitting in a movie theater waiting to be discovered!  So, I found some ways to get to know new people, people who were not part of my past.  They know me as I am now.  If you need help with loneliness try these tips.


Whether it is faith-based or through your community or is directed where you work, get yourself into some volunteer activity.  Not only are you doing something good-hearted, which makes you feel better automatically, you make friends with the people on either side of you.  You are working together.  You already have something in common, you like to help others.  If it is a recurring activity, you will naturally bond with your fellow volunteers and coffee or a glass of wine can’t be far behind.  Everyone has a passion for something philanthropic, so get engaged in it and see what happens.  You will reap such benefits:  you will feel good about what you have accomplished, you will meet new friends, you will fill some time if you are feeling like you have too much isolated time in your new life, and you will let a few more people in the world know that you are single and looking for other opportunities to meet new friends.  And, best of all, you spend some time not thinking about yourself, which is an unavoidable byproduct of the turmoil in your life.  Bingo!

Take a Class

Want to learn something new?  Then, learn it!  For me, it’s knitting.  I like to knit.  I like to take knitting classes.  When I take a class I am usually with women around my age so those are new friends.  We talk while we knit, so we get to know each other.  If we enjoy each other’s company we might get a cup of tea afterward.  You may be thinking that you would like to meet some men as well.  Take a class that offers you that opportunity.  Any class, or training, allows you to improve yourself and make some new acquaintances, male or female, at the same time.  You can even plan to take another class together, to keep the friendship going.

I love spending time with young people.  And, taking a class at a local university or community college allows you to do that, again, while bettering yourself.  I am a lifelong Spanish class taker:  I have taken so many Spanish classes without seeming to learn a word of Spanish, but I keep trying and I have met some lovely young people in the process.

Become a Regular

OK, I’m sure that this will not sit well with some of you but just keep reading and I think you will stop judging me!  When I left my big fancy home and moved to a one-room loft space downtown I had some bleak evenings.  I could walk into my place at 5:00 and not talk to another soul until the next day.  Once I walked Red, my cute dog, we were done for the night.  Horrible.  So, I walked myself down to one of the restaurants on my block and sat down at the bar.  I introduced my self to the bartender, Tony, who was the Thursday night bartender.  I told him I was new to the neighborhood and that was all I had to do.  He introduced me to a couple of guys who were super connected around my area and they helped me know about the neighborhood organization that meets monthly.  I ran into a couple who I had known in my previous life and they invited me to a party.  Needless to say, I went to that restaurant every Thursday night and still do.  I did the same thing at another place near me and had the same results.  And, it can be a neighborhood coffee shop: it doesn’t have to be a bar.  Just a place where you can walk in and introduce yourself and let people know that you are there and want to be social.  Is it hard to walk into a bar and sit down by yourself?  Absolutely.  But without having done that, I would still be sitting in my apartment watching Wheel with Red.


If you don’t know about meetups, here you go  There is a meetup in every city around the world about any topic that you can imagine.  They are held at restaurants and coffee shops and are groups of people who have similar interests.  It is exactly what it sounds like, you meet up and discuss the topic of choice.  So, there is a knitting meetup.  There is a Spanish meetup that I want to attend but am too afraid since I have learned virtually no Spanish!  There is a running meetup.  There is a social media meetup.  There is a French meetup.  There is a wine enthusiast’s meetup.  There is a parenting meetup.  You name it, there is a meetup for it.

Please don’t think that I am being flip about loneliness.  I did all of these things and I was still lonely after my marriage broke up.  Years lonely.  Still sometimes lonely.  But, you must be proactive and you must do the work that it takes to get yourself back on your feet.  Try just one of these tips and you will be amazed at how you will feel.  And, if you have some tried and true methods of beating loneliness, please let me know in the comments.  If you know someone who might benefit from these tips, please share with her.

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