helping others

My Resolution: One Good Deed Every Day

December 26, 2019

Repost from 11/29/2016

A few years ago around this time of year I made a New Year’s Resolution, one that I would actually keep: I would do one kind thing per day for the next year.  It could not be anything that I do normally, like hold the door open for the next person behind me.  It had to be above that.  So on January first I started my year of one-a-day kindness acts.

Often, the way I started my day was to put an extra tip in the Starbucks tip jar.  It had to be over and above the normal amount.  Some days I put in an extra $5 if I was feeling flush.  I told my Barista about my resolution and let her know that if I put extra money in the tip jar so early in the morning, I could go back to being my regular nasty self for the rest of the day!  She later told me how much mileage she got out of that story.  So an extra tip in the morning allowed me to check off kindness on my list for the day.

Honestly, I can’t remember what many of the other acts of kindness were.  They were small, like putting a couple of coins into an expired parking meter, or digging through my purse to put any extra change in the Ronald McDonald House receptacle at McDonald’s.  I am not talking about a lot of money, I am talking about pennies here.  Pennies that were not hard to let go, but added up by the end of the year.  I think what I liked about these tiny donations was that they were anonymous, no one knew about them.  No tax receipts.  No thank yous.

I knit, so I knitted hats for babies.  I knitted a hat for my son, who is not a baby.  I signed up for extra volunteer shifts.  I let people go ahead of me in line almost every day.  And, while I would normally help anyone struggling with packages to the car, I did so more readily.  I was aggressive with my helping hands.  I was on the front line of helping hands!  I may have frightened one or two people.

Who Benefits?

And who benefitted most from the deeds…I did.  As soon as I made it happen I felt great!  It was a purposeful act daily and it improved my attitude.  No matter who you are, when you do something for others you feel great.  It’s that simple.  So in 2017, I am going to have a Resolution Re-Do and do it again.  Not for anyone else, just for me.  To make me feel good.  To put a spring in my step.  It is a selfish act on my part because I remember how good it made me feel.  Let’s face it, this year has been rough and so divisive that we could all use a little attitude adjustment.

Feel free to join me in adding one extra kindness each day and see how it changes your attitude.  You will be amazed at how making niceness a priority changes your outlook on life!



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Giving to Charity is Rewarding

December 18, 2017

A few years ago I received a Christmas card with a note in it from a friend.  It said, “a donation has been made to a local hospital in your name.”  Nice, thank you.  But for some reason, I didn’t feel like it was nice.  I kind of had a scrunched up face after I read it.  Wasn’t I happy that a donation had been made?  Of course, I was.  Wasn’t it nice of them to make such a generous gift?  It was.  And, didn’t I give when I could?  I did.  So why was I not very happy.  I had everything I needed and then some, so, it wasn’t the actual gift I was grouchy about.  I couldn’t understand why it left a bad taste in my mouth.  Something was off.  Giving to charity is rewarding, right?

Here’s why I didn’t like it ( it took me a while to process). Because it took the most fun part of being charitable out of the equation for me: the physical act of making a donation of money or time is what makes me feel so good inside.  And et’s face it, I had been hit by the trifecta of gift -giving let downs:  I had already sent his gift to him, so he was going to open it and be happy because I am a good gift-giver, I was not getting a gift from him (not much of a loss, but a loss just the same) and the gift giver felt all warm and fuzzy because he had made a substantial donation to a local hospital.  I want to say again, I was very happy that the hospital got the donation.

Now, I know that not one person in my life needs anything.  Even my adult children are well cared for and are comfortable in their lives.  And, if you follow Starting Over at Sixty you know that I have written extensively about how happy it makes me to give back to my community.  But the fun, the happiness, the real joy of volunteering or donating is in the doing.  In the volunteering, in the learning about the needs of the community, in the meeting of the people who appreciate your help no matter how small and in the donating, if that’s the route you take.  It really is what the season is all about.  Charity is personal.  It is something that you don’t have to do but want to do.

If someone wants to give in your honor this year, good for the recipient.  But, you will miss out on the best part, the part that makes you feel good.

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