
Throwback Thursday

June 13, 2019

Goodbye Marriage, Hello New Adventure

Original Post: November 2015

After thirty years of marriage, I find myself coming to the end of holy matrimony.  I have to say, on one hand, I would have never thought this could happen to me in a million years and on the other hand… I knew at the wedding that something was off.  Now it is goodbye marriage, hello new adventure.

My soon to be former husband (SBFH) wanted the house.  After all, it sits on his prized golf course like a great big penis: as long as he has that house he is the man.  So, I found an apartment, moved out one weekday and here I am in a one-room loft with my dog.  I have been here for three months and I love it.  I feel content and safe and at ease, without the stomach ache I had every day for the last, oh I don’t know, 15 years.  I feel good in my own skin.  And the longer I am in my new life, the more excited I get about my future.

I would love it if you would stick with me in this chapter of my life: it is going to be a blast!


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Is He Rock or Quicksand?

June 10, 2019

A very close friend of mine became ill a few months ago. While he will survive the illness, his recovery is slow and I miss my great friend so much. His illness brought to my attention the fact that this man has been my rock for a couple of years. That rock is missing from my life right now and I am heartbroken about it.

As I was thinking about the effect that Don has had on my life, I came to the realization that no man has ever been my rock. I know that sounds ridiculous but it’s true: not my husband or my father or any other man in my life. I have had no male significant others for support.

As a matter of fact, if I am using the word rock to describe my friend Don and our friendship, I can use the word quicksand to describe pretty much all of my male role models. With the exception of a few, I have spent my life with quicksand.

I love love loved my father, but he faced his own demons and wasn’t a pillar of strength for me. Sadly, I would guess that my daughter might feel the same way about her father, however, I don’t want to put words into her mouth. I can only project my own feelings there. I had no siblings, so no brothers to look up to.

And, now that I have had a rock in my life, I don’t think I can ever go back to the quicksand that I settled for in earlier years. I need that strength around me. I need that settled feeling around me, that comfortable, soft-place-to-land feeling that comes with a man or woman who is a rock.

If I try hard enough I can actually envision sitting on a rock, resting, regrouping. And, quicksand? I am just dancing. Always dancing trying to stay just above the surface, and constantly floundering.

If you can picture yourself in each of these situations, you know what I’m talking about. And you can feel what I am feeling. Never, ever, ever allow yourself to be sucked in by that quicksand. Go with a rock every time.

Do you have a quicksand story? Or a rock story? I would love to hear from you.

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Married Isn’t Always Better

March 17, 2019

I have been faced with my own prejudice over the last few weeks, my own antiquated mindset, and here it is: I believed that my married friends were happier than I was, or that being married equals happiness. Ugh! I hate to admit it because I know that being married isn’t always better. But the thought is right there in my brain hiding behind the “carbs aren’t that bad,” and the “I still look forty” myths that I tell myself.

I have had the opportunity to get together with lots of friends over the last month (I think we all hunker down after the holidays until cabin fever sets in and we emerge out of hibernation). As we’ve chatted I have been made aware of my feelings that my married friends don’t have problems, that they don’t share the same issues as I do, and of course, that isn’t true. We are all women over 50 or 60 or 70 and we all have relationship issues, we all face health concerns and we all are transitioning from one stage of life to the next.

Do You Romanticize Marriage?

But I definitely have a romanticized version of their lives in my head. I had a romanticized version of my own life in my head, while I was actually living an anything-but-romantic life when I was married. And, these are not women complaining about their marriages or who are unhappy in their marriages. They are simply women, who, I had forgotten, need support from other women, too. They need their girlfriends as much as I need my girlfriends.

While this time of life is supposed to be full of joy as we move into a “new frontier,” it is also a rough transition, no matter what your marital status. I don’t know anyone, male or female, that isn’t dealing with challenges related to aging. And, my married sisters are no different. My married sisters may even need me, and you, more because they need someone to confide in, they need someone they can trust when opening up about what is happening in their lives.

So, while I am facing my own prejudices, do you think you view your married counterparts as happier? Do you see them as not needing friendship and support? It’s time for you and me to change those thoughts.

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Let Go and Grow Younger

March 19, 2018

I know you have all heard the saying that holding on to anger is like trying to kill your husband by drinking poison yourself; well it is something like that.  Last week I received a phone call from a woman who just began to spew anger, not at me, but on me.  I was having a perfectly great day and in 20 minutes I was a puddle on the floor.  I was a wreck.  It was as if I had stepped into quicksand.  My mind was transported back to the terrible years I spent living with heartache and anger before I left my marriage.  I actually began to sweat, physically sweat, while she was talking to me.  I understood her pain, but I didn’t want to be part of that world any longer, and just hearing about it made me so sad.  I thought to myself, “how did this just happen?  How did I go from happy and looking forward to the weekend, to a red-faced woman with tears and snot running down my face?”  I know you can’t make yourself let go of past issues, that happens in its own time.  But, you can give yourself some guidelines, or rules, to follow that will help you have more good days than bad.  When you are armed with your own “blueprint” of who and what you want in your life you are released from so much of the bad.

My Blueprint

My rules, the ones that I try to live by, are pretty simple.  I have learned that if I am dreading seeing someone, whatever the reason, it’s time to give that relationship another look.  It may not be a friendship that is worth keeping.  Of course, if it’s a relative, there is no getting out of it, good luck with that.  But you can move friends who constantly bring you down to a lower “importance” tier on your imaginary chart.  If you feel guilty about that, don’t.  It puts you in a bad mood and why would you let someone do that to you?  You are doing it to yourself!

A more serious matter is betrayal.  If I feel that someone has betrayed me, and there are lots of levels of betrayal, I’m most likely out.  Once that trust is broken I am probably never going to get it back.  I’m just not.  Whether it is a friend, spouse or co-worker, we are done.   Remember, these are the rules that I follow, and they don’t have to be your rules.  One thing about being older is that I know myself and what works for me.  I thought I could bring my marriage back from the dead once, but looking back, there was no way.  I was sleeping with the enemy, literally.  I wasted fifteen years trying to figure out how to like my husband when the answer was right in front of me: I was never going to like him again.  Sadly, betrayal won that battle.

That is my blueprint, but it doesn’t have to be yours.  You may be a person who is able to work through betrayal and that is great for you.  Or you don’t want to sever a relationship that isn’t working, whatever the reason.  That’s OK.

Forgive and Move Forward

No matter what rules you live by in the friendship/relationship piece of your life, start to notice how you feel when you are with certain people.  Are you excited?   That’s perfect.   Are you clenching your teeth?  You might want to re-think that one.  And, what about forgive and forget? Forgiveness is a wonderful quality and one we should all practice.  But, forgetting is a mistake in my book.  One thing we old girls have is experience, and to forget what we have experienced would be to erase our past.  I say, forgive and move forward.  You should take what you know and put it in your back pocket for the journey ahead.

Grow Younger

Are you still wondering where the grow younger part is?  Well, people tell me all the time now how great I look, and I know they aren’t talking about my body!  They are talking about my face: I knocked ten years off my face by leaving a bad situation.  I can even see it in the mirror, so I know they aren’t blowing smoke up my bottom.  Letting go of the muck that I was living in has actually made me look younger, something all the botox and fillers in the world couldn’t do.  I promise if you let go of some of the things that are on a reel in your mind running over and over you will look, and feel, younger, too.  Take a look at the photo of me above and the photos on the site that were taken more recently.  Wow!

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There’s Nothing Wrong with Me After All

March 19, 2018

Having been in a bad marriage for more than thirty years,  I thought I was the biggest loser on the planet.  I was certainly not attractive and was unappealing.  I was overweight.  I was not good at making money.   I wasn’t sexy at all and actually had zero sex appeal.  I spent too much money. I was the b-word.

Well, guess what I have learned about myself in the last three years since I left my husband: there’s nothing wrong with me after all!  That’s right, there is nothing wrong with me.  I have a feeling that if you are reading this article, there is nothing wrong with you either.  Amazing, right?  It took me a long time to get here, though.  After years of being beaten up, figuratively,  when I left my husband and moved into a one-room loft, I was what I refer to as a hot mess.  I was truly broken, and I thought I was all used up.  Like I was unlovable, like I had grown thorns on my body.  I had definitely built a wall around me to protect myself from the unhappy life that I lead with my husband.  I honestly thought that the real me was gone, buried so deep that I wouldn’t get it back.

It took some time, a lot of time, in fact.  And, while I worked to be content on the inside, it didn’t hurt when a man paid attention to me, whether as a date or a new friend.  It felt good and made me feel like “I’ve still got it.”  That is probably the icing on the “new-old Paula.”

Be OK with Yourself First

So, if you are in the position of having to start over, due to divorce or death, follow these steps and you will get it right.  First, you need to be OK with yourself.  If your life is in transition, this is the best time to take stock of who you are and who you want to be and figure out what changes, if any, need to be made.  For me, I was in a business that I despised, and I needed to get out of that no matter what the consequences.  I did and it cost me but I did it, because as long as I was trying to be something I was not my life was never going to improve.  Getting out of that business allowed me to spend time thinking about what I wanted my life to look like moving forward.  It gave me permission to dream.  I was out from under a huge boulder.

I started thinking about what I used to like to do, before I met my husband, before I had children and before I was Mrs. Harer.  My husband valued popularity: I know it sounds goofy but it is true.  So, to make him like me I valued who I was outside myself.  I wasn’t happy.  I love being a party girl as much as the next person, but that as a constant was not fulfilling.  Now I have a great time when I am with people but it does not define me.  I knit, I go to the movies alone and I read.  I am happy with myself.

When you can find that girl inside who you were many years ago, I think it makes for a more grounded feeling.  I know who I am and I know what I like and what I don’t like and I don’t have to change that.  How empowering is that?

Then Add in What You Like to Do

When I was first living alone again I joined everything I could in order to meet new people: neighborhood groups, a single women’s social group ( I think I would be more comfortable calling it a gang), a book club, and a couple other meetups.  I needed to feel connected.  But, after a while, I began to dread some of the meetings and realized that they just weren’t me.  I could get to know more new people but I wasn’t enjoying the activities and the people weren’t necessarily a good fit for me.  Lesson learned.  However, I love singing in a citywide choir and I love volunteering in that choir at the women’s prison near my home.  So, I have found out what I like to do and what I can live without and I am making changes in how I spend my time.  I don’t want to do what I don’t want to do anymore.

Take the Risk

Now, the hard part.  Dating after sixty is horrible.  There’s no other way to put it.  HORRIBLE!  But if having a man in your life is something that you want, and I do like having a man in my life, then you just have to put yourself out there.  Here’s how I look at it:  I wasn’t going to meet someone by sitting at home and telling myself how gross online dating sites are.  They are, it’s true, but they are what is available, so I just had to buck up and get onboard.  The point I am making is that whatever method you use to meet a new partner or friend, you have to be proactive.  When I was in my twenties I didn’t have to be proactive.  Those days are over.  And sitting on your couch complaining about how there are no men doesn’t help either.

I have met many frogs.   And it’s not like all of them call me back, so I’m a frog too.  But, once in a while, I have met a nice guy: he might be a friend or might be more.  There are still a few great guys, but I would not have met them without taking the risk, without putting myself out there.  So if you want to meet a partner or a friend, put on your big girl pants and get out there.

Going through all these steps have helped me figure out that I am OK exactly as I am, and if you are in the position of having to start over you may need to find out that you are OK just as you are as well.  When you do, you will be able to start living life the way you always intended it to be.

What are you doing to find yourself again?  What has worked for you and what has not?  Can’t wait to hear!

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